How Schools and Corporations Can Work Together to Build Student Career Readiness 

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, preparing students for their future careers is more critical than ever. While textbooks and standard curricula provide foundational knowledge, connecting students with industry professionals can ignite curiosity, inspire career exploration, and build essential career readiness skills. Here’s how educators and corporations can work together to bridge the gap between classrooms and the workforce, especially when using platforms like Discovery Education’s Career Connect. 

The Importance of Career Readiness

Career readiness is about equipping students not only with the academic knowledge they need but also with the practical skills and insights that will enable them to thrive in their chosen fields. Enhancing student career readiness involves engaging students with real-world experiences and professional insights. This approach helps students understand the relevance of their studies and envision potential career paths. 

According to the Hechinger Report and surveys from American Student Assistance, a nonprofit focused on career readiness, about two-thirds of high school graduates said they would have benefited from more career exploration in middle or high school. Additionally, 80% of high school guidance counselors said their students were “overwhelmed” by decisions about college and career. By incorporating career readiness programs earlier in education, we can better align student skills with employer expectations, ultimately enhancing employability and career confidence and success. 

Why should corporations get involved in fostering students’ career readiness?

Build a Stronger Workforce for the Future

Corporations play a crucial role in shaping students’ career readiness by sharing insights and opportunities. By collaborating with educational institutions, they can provide valuable resources and mentorship that bridge the gap between academia and the workforce. This partnership not only equips students with essential skills but also helps companies cultivate a talent pool that meets their future needs.  

Strengthen Employee Engagement through Volunteerism

Corporations have a unique opportunity to contribute to student career readiness by encouraging their employees to share their expertise with students. Employee volunteerism programs provide a win-win situation for both the community and the company. Companies that support skills-based volunteer programs benefit from increased employee engagement and retention, while students gain valuable insights into potential career paths. A virtual platform like Career Connect is designed to connect skilled industry volunteers with K-12 classrooms, offering a streamlined solution for educators and professionals to collaborate. 

How can schools engage students with industry professionals?

Implement a Career Readiness Program

Introducing students to industry professionals through a career readiness program can profoundly impact their future career choices. For example, when students hear directly from a software engineer about their daily challenges and successes, they can better understand what a career in technology entails. This firsthand knowledge can spark a student’s interest in a particular field and motivate them to pursue related studies.  

When developing a career readiness program, here are key steps to consider:

1. Assess Student Needs

Before launching a career readiness program, it’s essential to understand the specific needs and interests of your students. Conduct surveys or focus groups to gather insights into the careers they’re interested in and the skills they want to develop.

2. Partner with Corporations

Reach out to local businesses and corporations to explore potential partnerships. Many companies, like those who partner with Discovery Education, are eager to support education initiatives and can provide valuable resources and expertise.

3. Utilize Platforms like Career Connect

Leverage platforms like Career Connect to facilitate interactions between students and professionals. These platforms offer many resources and simplify the process of organizing and scheduling sessions.

4. Prepare Students

Ensure that students are well-prepared for their interactions with professionals. Provide them with background information on the professionals they’ll be meeting and encourage them to develop thoughtful questions.

5. Collect Feedback

After each session, gather feedback from students and professionals to assess the program’s impact and identify areas for improvement. Continuous evaluation and refinement will help ensure the program’s success. 


Building student career readiness is a collaborative effort that requires the support of educators, corporations, and the community. By leveraging the expertise of industry professionals and utilizing innovative platforms, we can inspire the next generation of professionals and equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. 

Discover how you can bridge the gap between classroom and workforce!