Preparing future-ready students means helping them build the skills needed to succeed beyond the classroom and in a dynamic world. And what better way to help students focus on life skills than to celebrate Financial Literacy Month! Discovery Education has a wealth of resources to support your efforts in teaching students about money management, financial responsibility, and the economy.
Introducing Financial Literacy
Discovery Education’s Money Channel and Financial Literacy Channel have a variety of resources like videos and instructional activities that will introduce a strong foundation of financial understanding for students in K-12. Learn more about these two channels below.
The Money Channel invites students to dive into the role money plays in our world. Find age-appropriate topics—from identifying money to understanding investments—and activities for grades K-12. As younger students begin identifying how goods and services connect to the role of money, older students can put these concepts into practice by considering how to save, spend, and invest in the real world.
Once students understand the purpose of money, they are one step closer to learning how to manage it. The Financial Literacy Channel helps students understand how making good financial choices and using money management tools can serve a community and help wise consumers achieve their dreams. From discussions about earning money to analyzing how to budget wisely, the resources in the Financial Literacy Channel can help all students prepare for future financial choices.
Connecting Students to Financial Careers
Enrich your classroom by using Career Connect to bring in a guest speaker from the financial industry. Give your students a firsthand look at the essential skills professionals use every day as they connect with experts from US Bank, Discover, and more! Not registered for Career Connect, yet? Its quick and easy.
Looking to the Future
As students in grades 6-12 grow closer to entering the workforce, it’s critical to connect their financial education to the real world, so they can be better prepared as they enter into adulthood.
Econ Essentials brings the basics of economics and financial principles to life with standards-aligned instructional materials from Futures Fundamentals. This growing collection of videos, collaborative activities, and self-guided learning modules introduces how financial decisions can be affected by economic systems in place and explores how students will interact with these systems in the future.
The Pathway to Financial Success Channel, created in partnership with Discover Financial Services and Discovery Education, provides middle and high school students with a comprehensive unit-based curriculum enhanced by videos, self-paced modules, and cross-curricular activities. Students can progress through relevant topics such as financial responsibility, identifying a career, and using credit wisely. Making major financial decisions calls for major preparation – and Pathway to Financial Success is a great means of preparation!
Students can sharpen their entrepreneurial skills with videos and interactive lessons from Discover Venture Valley, as the activities and videos get students started on the path to becoming the game-changing entrepreneurs of the future. Help students imagine the possibilities of their future from both a financial and business standpoint with simple ways to start envisioning themselves as entrepreneurs.
Don’t forget! Financial Literacy Month kicks off April 1 and Discovery Education has plenty of activities, videos, and resources to help your students find their financial footing!