3 Reasons Teachers Participate in Summer Programs

Summer programs can focus on skill remediation, enrichment, or an opportunity to get ahead. But no matter the purpose, their success requires qualified teachers and engaged students. Recruiting teachers to report back to the classroom to teach throughout the summer can be a challenge, so it is critical to understand and communicate why participating in these summer programs is beneficial for teachers.

1. Supplementing Income

Many teachers take on additional jobs in the summer to supplement their income while school is out—and summer programs allow teachers to pursue additional income in a familiar setting that also utilizes and strengthens their skills.

Teaching in a summer program offers the perfect timeline for uninterrupted income and can provide an opportunity for professional development as teachers collaborate with a summer staff comprised of familiar co-workers or, in some cases, teachers from other schools. Summer programs also provide a structured, dependable schedule that fits right into the “free time” already marked on their calendars.

When recruiting teachers to participate in your summer programs, sharing information early is key. Teachers who are looking to supplement their income over the summer often look for other positions two to three months before the school year ends and many teachers make travel plans early so they can start their summer fun right after that final bell rings.

2. New Experiences and Growth Opportunities

Summer programs focus on students building certain skillsets or on a particular subject, which means participating teachers can narrow the focus of their instruction to what their students need most. Teaching a summer program allows for new routines, content, and strategies as the schedule and class sizes differ from the traditional school year.

Keeping your teachers’ interests in mind is also integral when hiring for summer programs, since this work can allow for personal growth and expanded leadership opportunities due to the smaller group of staff and students on campus. Do you have teachers who love teaching reading who would enjoy leading a summer novel study? Have you identified a teacher who is eager to support with administrative tasks who hopes to become an administrator in the future? Or maybe one of your math teachers who usually teaches 4th grade enjoys working with younger students on fundamental math skills? Recruit them to teach what they’re interested in or pursue their professional goals during your summer program.

3. Connecting with Students

The final reason teachers participate in summer programs is the same reason they teach in the first place—to connect with their students.

Summer programs allow teachers to forge connections with new students or build on connections with previous students in smaller classes. Reduced class sizes provide more opportunities for one-on-one instruction, differentiation, and the chance to create deeper bonds with students. As you recruit teachers to participate in your summer program, you can highlight the benefits of either getting to know their upcoming students early or being able to hit the ground running with students they’ve worked with previously, but most importantly, they get to work with the students who need their help the most.

It’s no secret that excited teachers create interested learners, but hiring teachers who are excited about teaching during the summer can be its own challenge. Keeping the reasons why teachers enjoy teaching in the summer can help you strengthen your recruitment tactics and set your summer program up for success!

As you recruit your teachers, step into planning mode to get your summer program ready for launch!