Balancing Human Intelligence with Artificial Intelligence 

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a useful technology with many possibilities has led to questions around how to use AI in the classroom. Educators and students alike are curious about the applications of AI in teaching and learning and recognize the importance of balancing the use of AI with existing (and budding) human skills. Read on to learn more about AI’s potential and consider how to pair this exciting technology with human skills for maximum impact.

Understanding AI's Potential

One overwhelming part of Artificial Intelligence is its seemingly endless potential. There is a wealth of opportunities for AI use, but at its center, AI should be viewed the same way we consider other technologyas a support for human work. When considering implementation in the classroom, AI can support both educators and students, and should be introduced thoughtfully. For example, generative AI can help create thought starters and inspiration for projects, or it can help refine work in the later stages of a project. While it may not be immediately obvious to educators as to how and when to introduce AI into their classrooms, starting with a clear list of options for AI use is step oneBy considering practical, and ethical, uses of AI, educators will then be prepared to take advantage of its supportive uses, and pass those learnings on to their students.

Emphasizing the Importance of Human Input

Technology evolves to assist humans in working faster and more efficiently, and its use should be filtered through the lens of how it can support and pair with human efforts, not replace them. The same way a word processing program helps speed up writing long reports, AI should be viewed to work and think faster, not a way to stop thinking. Generative AI can help someone gather information, but without human analysis, reflection, and fact-checking, the information can be rendered useless. Dr. Tim Hudson, Chief Learning Officer at Discovery Education, explains in his new eBook on AI, “Regardless of whether students are analyzing an AI-written article, or an article written by a human, they need to have the skills to assess the validity of that content and respond appropriately.” AI can be a great time-saver in the research and information-gathering process, but it can’t replace human judgement when it comes to analysis of results or steps for editing and presenting these results.

Education frequently adopts new technologies to enhance learning experiences for students and assist educators in efficient lesson planning. AI is the latest addition to a growing collection of technology tools educators may consider adding to their classroom practices, and like any new tool, its implementation calls for consideration and support.

Learn More about the Background and Uses of Artificial Intelligence with the New eBook from DE’s Chief Learning Officer, Dr. Tim Hudson!